Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Kumpulan Themes For Custom Rom Galaxy Mini

[Theme For Andro-Idv3.3.1]

1. Theme ANDRO-ID 331
a. The Bluez : http://adf.ly/9hVZs
Created by Chochoshima
b. Wolfverine"Logan" : http://adf.ly/9hVcD
Created by Chochoshima

c. Carbon : http://adf.ly/9hVev
link indowebster------>>> http://adf.ly/9hVhM
Created By Chochoshima
d. "M1R1P 1Cs" : http://adf.ly/9hVjX
Created By Chochoshima
e. SystemUI (Animated) : http://adf.ly/9hVlq
Animated pulldown collection 4 andro-id
Image sudah dioptimized...jadi ukuran file lebih kecil...semoga lebih bersahabat dengan baterey...;-)

1. Air terjun---> http://adf.ly/9hVob

2. Waterfall Valley---> http://adf.ly/9hVsj

3. River----> http://adf.ly/9hW4V

penanpakan liat di---->https://www.facebook.com/groups/242464849194367/permalink/253629541411231/

Created By Chochoshima

[Theme GingerMod 3.0]

Dark Mint 1.0 - port from MORe v1.3 - Created by blank_ON @XDA
Screenshot: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1605628

[Update] Batik 1.1 - port from Chocobread - Created by De Vras
Screenshot: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1476452

Blue Galaxy 1.0 - port from Emanon - Created by nvt992 @XDA
Screenshot: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1539445

[Update] Akatsuki 1.3 - port from MORe v1.4 - Created by New Roni
Screenshot: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1662142

[Update] gmtheme script 26.5.2012 (GingerMod Theme Manager)

Cara penginstalan theme:
klo udh ada script gmtheme di /system/bin,,lewati langka 1-4
1. copas gmtheme ke folder /system/bin dengan memakai Root Explorer/ File Manager / sejenisnya
2. ubah permission nya jd 777,, atw klo dlm bentuk gambarannya
v v v
v v v
v v v
3. buka Terminal Emulator atw sejenisnya
4. ketik "su", lalu "gmtheme" tanpa tanda kutip

5. extract file theme nya,, trus folder themenya di copas ke /sdcard/GM-Themes
6. kembali ke Terminal Emulator
7. ketik "su", lalu "gmtheme <folder themenya>" tanpa tanda kutip,, lalu enter
HH akan otomatis reboot
contoh klo ane pake theme Akatsuki:
gmtheme Akatsuki

Untuk restore/kembali ke theme biasa/stock:
1. buka Terminal Emulator
2. ketik "gmtheme restore" tanpa tanda kutip,, lalu enter
HH akan otomatis reboot


1. MORe Indonesiaku by 3Musketteer :
link : http://adf.ly/9hWZY

2. Zonk by Riris Rio Ardiano : 
link : http://adf.ly/9hWjF

3. TheMaMoReV1.4 by New Roni :
link : http://adf.ly/9hWm5

4. Proud to be MORe by De Vras :
link : http://adf.ly/9hWpG

5. Black Cyan by Adee Firmansyah :
link : http://adf.ly/9hWrK

6. Ordinary MORe v1.4 theme by Slam Dunk :
link : http://adf.ly/9hWtl

link systemUI mod : http://adf.ly/9hWvQ

7. xXx by Semz Seventh :
link : http://adf.ly/9hWxH

8.i-ICS by Thareq Maulana AkbarSS
Link: http://adf.ly/9hWzL

9. Si Pinky Danbo by thomp
Link Download


1. BUMBLEBEE theme for cinnamon 3.0 & 3.0.1
link http://adf.ly/9hX57
 log :
-status bar
-new battery icon ( skull )
-deskclock + widget
-dialer tab
-mms -launcher pro
-bootanimation n sound -charger sound

fixed theme bumblebee ,
link http://adf.ly/9hX83
fixed :
systemui ( make it transparent
statusbar+add carrier label ,thanx to cybernix monster for support )
framework-res ( fix menu background ) Dropbox - Bumblebee_theme_Cinnamonv3.0.zip

5 komentar:

  1. gan tutorial them akatsuki gmana gan

  2. langsung instal via cwm gan,
    1. matiin hh, tekan tombol power+home d tahan mpe muncul menu
    2. pilih instal zip from sd card lalu choose zip
    3. klik tema tadi yg d donlod lalu klik yes-all
    4. reboot now

  3. gan... ane gak bisa nih kalo lewat cwm, hp ane gak mau nyala... kalo ane pake cusrom ciyus intal temas begitu bisa gak gan?

  4. pake theme yg khusus buat cusrom sesuai versinya ja gan, instal cusrom lalu instal theme bisa tp sama2 via CWM

  5. mantap gan.. oh iya lagi nyari tema gingermod 4.0 neh ada ga gan ?
